Last year's wave of Telegram tap-to-earn games may have subsided, but a new contender has emerged: Zoo. This FarmVille-inspired game, where users build and manage a virtual zoo, has captivated millions of Telegram users with its promise of token rewards.
Building Your Animal Kingdom
Zoo, unlike many of its predecessors, focuses on passive income generation. Players build their zoo by purchasing animal enclosures and populating them with various creatures. These animals then generate in-game currency, which is expected to be directly transferable to on-chain tokens during the upcoming airdrop.
Simple Gameplay, Big Rewards
While Zoo may not be the most complex or engaging game, its simplicity is part of its appeal. Players primarily focus on feeding their animals to maintain income generation and complete daily tasks like riddles and social interactions to earn more in-game currency.
The Airdrop and Beyond
The mining phase, where players earn in-game tokens, is set to conclude on January 31st. After this date, players can no longer earn in-game currency, and their final in-game balance will likely determine their airdrop allocation.While not officially confirmed, Zoo's tokens are expected to launch on The Open Network (TON), given the existing integration with TON wallets.
Zoo, despite its simplistic gameplay, has successfully captured the attention of millions of Telegram users with its promise of token rewards. While the airdrop details remain to be finalized, Zoo serves as a reminder of the enduring appeal of play-to-earn mechanics within the Telegram ecosystem.
January 2025, Cryptoniteuae