03 Oct

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has recently made headlines following his arrest for allegedly facilitating criminal activities on the platform. In a surprising revelation, Durov confirmed that Telegram has been disclosing user information, specifically IP addresses and phone numbers, since 2018. This disclosure has raised serious concerns within the cryptocurrency community, particularly regarding the implications for user privacy and security.

The Context of Durov's Statement

Following his release from custody, Durov initially suggested that Telegram would intensify efforts to combat illegal content on the platform. However, he later clarified that the company has always cooperated with law enforcement agencies when presented with properly formatted legal requests. “Whenever we received a properly formed legal request via relevant communication lines, we would verify it and disclose the IP addresses/phone numbers of dangerous criminals. This process had been in place long before last week,” Durov stated.

This admission sheds light on a policy that many users may have assumed was more protective of privacy. Durov emphasized that Telegram’s core principles of freedom, privacy, and protection for activists remain intact. Nonetheless, the announcement has sparked debate about the balance between user privacy and the responsibilities of a communication platform.

Concerns from the Crypto Community

The implications of Durov’s statements are particularly alarming for those in the cryptocurrency sector. Deddy Lavid, CEO of the Web3 security firm Cyvers, articulated these concerns. “Telegram’s disclosure of user IP addresses is a significant concern for the Web3 community, as it undermines the privacy and decentralization Web3 stands for,” Lavid explained.

He highlighted that many users share their wallet addresses over Telegram channels. If Telegram links these wallet addresses to IP addresses, it could lead to the exposure of a user’s identity, effectively dismantling the anonymity that many in the crypto space rely on.

Telegram's Policy on Law Enforcement

Durov insisted that Telegram’s policy regarding cooperation with law enforcement has not changed, but he noted an increase in requests from authorities in recent weeks. This growing pressure from law enforcement may indicate a shift in how the platform navigates its responsibilities toward user privacy versus compliance with legal demands.

The dilemma underscores a broader issue faced by many technology companies operating in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape. As governments tighten controls over online platforms, companies must find ways to balance user privacy with legal obligations, a challenge that is especially pronounced for services frequently used by individuals engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.


Telegram's recent disclosures have triggered a significant backlash within the crypto community, highlighting the ongoing tension between user privacy and regulatory compliance. While Durov asserts that the principles of freedom and privacy remain at the forefront of Telegram's mission, the reality is that the platform's cooperation with law enforcement raises critical questions about the true nature of user protection.

As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, users must remain vigilant about the platforms they choose for communication and transactions. The recent developments surrounding Telegram serve as a reminder that privacy in the digital age is complex and ever-changing, requiring a keen understanding of the implications behind the technology we use.

In a world increasingly shaped by regulatory scrutiny, the discourse around privacy, security, and the responsibilities of communication platforms will undoubtedly continue to unfold.

October 2024, Cryptoniteuae

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