Indian equity indices began the trading week on a positive note, with the BSE Sensex rising by 48 points, or 0.06%, to reach 82,939, and the Nifty 50 climbing 50 points, or 0.2%, to settle at 25,406, according to Business Standard.
Read MoreIndian equity indices began the trading week on a positive note, with the BSE Sensex rising by 48 points, or 0.06%, to reach 82,939, and the Nifty 50 climbing 50 points, or 0.2%, to settle at 25,406, according to Business Standard.
Read MoreFor years, Beijing-based Bitmain Technologies has held an iron grip on the Bitcoin mining industry, commanding an estimated 90% of the global market for the specialized hardware essential to powering the cryptocurrency’s decentralized network.
Read MoreThe cryptocurrency market is experiencing a significant uptick in trading volumes, with projections indicating that the U.S. will spearhead this growth, surpassing $2 trillion in trading activity.
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