07 Aug

As Vice President Kamala Harris embarks on her presidential campaign following President Joe Biden's decision not to seek re-election, her position on cryptocurrency remains ambiguous. However, recent appointments to her campaign team hint at a possible shift towards a more favorable approach to the crypto industry.

New Appointments Indicate Potential Policy Changes

Harris has recently brought David Plouffe into her team as a senior adviser for strategy. Plouffe, a former aide to President Obama and a past member of the Binance Global Advisory Board, had been serving as a global strategic advisor for Alchemy Pay prior to joining Harris’s campaign. His background suggests a familiarity with the crypto space and an understanding of its strategic and regulatory challenges.

Additionally, Harris has recruited Brian Nelson, former undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence at the U.S. Treasury Department. Nelson was notably involved in the Treasury’s actions against Binance for alleged money laundering and sanctions violations. Despite his past regulatory work, Nelson has been characterized as having an open-minded approach towards cryptocurrency. According to Cody Carbone, chief policy officer at the Digital Chamber, Nelson has worked closely with Harris and shown a balanced perspective, focusing on regulating illicit activities while not dismissing the potential of the crypto industry.

Mixed Signals on Crypto Engagement

Despite these appointments, Harris’s engagement with the cryptocurrency industry has been cautious. Last month, she declined an invitation to speak at the Bitcoin Conference, which some interpreted as a reluctance to fully engage with or address cryptocurrency issues before the November election.

The recent recruitment of Plouffe and Nelson, however, suggests that Harris might be open to more nuanced discussions about cryptocurrency. Their involvement could signal a potential policy shift towards a more balanced approach, recognizing both the need for regulation and the importance of fostering innovation within the crypto sector.

Implications for the Future

As Harris continues her campaign, the crypto community will be watching closely to see how her policies evolve. The recent appointments might indicate a readiness to engage with industry leaders and address the complex issues surrounding digital assets. Harris’s approach to cryptocurrency, especially in light of her new advisers' backgrounds, will likely play a significant role in shaping her policy platform and attracting support from the crypto community.


Kamala Harris’s recent appointments suggest a potential shift in her stance on cryptocurrency. With the addition of David Plouffe and Brian Nelson to her team, there are indications of a more open and informed approach to the crypto industry. While her recent actions, such as declining to speak at the Bitcoin Conference, have raised questions, the expertise of her new advisers might pave the way for a more balanced and innovative crypto policy. As the campaign progresses, clarity on her stance will become crucial for voters and industry stakeholders alike.

August 2024, Cryptoniteuae

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