18 Sep

Google Cloud has unveiled its new Blockchain Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service, designed to simplify blockchain interactions for developers. This innovative service aims to provide a scalable, cost-effective, and reliable solution for accessing and managing blockchain data, catering to a diverse range of organizations, from startups to large enterprises.

Key Features of the Blockchain RPC Service

According to the press release, Google Cloud’s Blockchain RPC service allows for up to 100 requests per second on its free tier, making it an attractive option for developers looking to create real-time and data-intensive applications. Kyle Quintal, Head of Engineering at 0xArc, praised the service for its fast response times and adherence to EIP1474 standards, noting that the integration into their system was seamless.

Initially, the service supports Ethereum mainnets and testnets, with plans to expand to additional blockchain networks over the coming year. Its full compatibility with the Ethereum JSON-RPC standard means developers can incorporate the service into their applications with minimal code modifications, facilitating easier integration.

Aimed at Diverse Organizations

Google Cloud's new offering targets a wide audience, including startups seeking a straightforward entry into the blockchain space and established enterprises looking for robust blockchain solutions. The service's flexibility and ease of use make it suitable for various applications within the blockchain ecosystem.

Ongoing Commitment to Blockchain Innovation

The launch of the Blockchain RPC service is part of Google Cloud’s broader strategy to enhance its presence in the blockchain sector. In 2023, Google introduced a feature allowing users to input their wallet addresses into the search bar to view wallet balances. Additionally, the company has updated its advertising policies to provide clearer guidelines for crypto and related products.

Google Cloud has also established a dedicated Digital Assets Team focused on advancing blockchain technologies. Their previous initiatives, such as the Blockchain Node Engine, further illustrate their commitment to simplifying the deployment of blockchain applications.


With the introduction of its Blockchain RPC service, Google Cloud is positioning itself as a significant player in the blockchain landscape. By offering developers a reliable, scalable, and cost-effective way to interact with blockchain data, Google Cloud is not only meeting the current needs of the market but also paving the way for future innovations in the blockchain space. As more organizations adopt these technologies, Google Cloud's contributions could play a pivotal role in shaping the future of blockchain development.

September 2024, Cryptoniteuae

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