03 Jun

Donald Trump's Presidential campaign gained significant attention by becoming the first to accept Bitcoin Lightning Network payments for donations, in collaboration with OpenNode. 

This move reflects Trump's support for cryptocurrencies and his desire to position the nation as a leader in the field. A Bitcoin enthusiast, identified as @nikcantmine on the X platform, highlighted this development and emphasized Trump's pioneering acceptance of Bitcoin.

 OpenNode expressed enthusiasm for integrating Bitcoin into political donations, citing their partnership with Anedot. This partnership, they say, demonstrates how political campaigns and nonprofits can seamlessly accept Bitcoin contributions. 

Additionally, Trump's campaign announced the acceptance of crypto donations through Coinbase Commerce. Both Trump and Biden have clarified their stances on cryptocurrency leading up to the 2024 Presidential Election, with Biden expressing skepticism and Trump openly opposing Biden's stance.

June 2024, Cryptoniteuae

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