10 May

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey recently shared his bullish prediction for the future price of Bitcoin, suggesting that it could soar to at least $1 million by 2030, with potential for further growth beyond that point.

During an interview with journalist Mike Solana on Pirate Wires, Dorsey expressed his optimistic outlook for Bitcoin's long-term price trajectory. He emphasized that the value of Bitcoin goes beyond just its price, highlighting the collaborative nature of its ecosystem and how efforts to improve the network benefit everyone involved.

Dorsey's departure from the board of BlueSky, a decentralized Twitter alternative he helped launch, raised questions about his vision for decentralization. He explained that Bluesky, instead of being a truly decentralized protocol as intended, began to resemble a traditional company, deviating from his original vision.

To align with his goals of censorship resistance, Dorsey mentioned his preference for platforms like Nostr, which operate as anonymous, open protocols with no centralized control.

Despite facing scrutiny over compliance violations at Block's payment divisions, Square and Cash App, Dorsey reaffirmed his commitment to Bitcoin by announcing that Block would allocate 10% of its gross profit from Bitcoin-related products to buying more BTC each month.

Dorsey's remarks underscore his belief in Bitcoin's potential to revolutionize the financial landscape and his dedication to advancing decentralization within the tech industry.

May 2024, Cryptoniteuae

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