15 Apr

According to information from the Token Unlock app, Arbitrum will conduct a "Cliff Unlock" tomorrow, April 16, 2024, and release new ARB tokens into the cryptocurrency market. The app's additional specifications indicate that the majority of the tokens to be put into the cryptocurrency market this week will be used in the layer-2 project's impending Token Unlock.

The app's real-time analytics indicates that this specific Token Unlock will bring almost $110 million into the cryptocurrency market. 3.29% of the total supply, or 92.65 million ARB, will be unlocked by Arbitrum. The event is scheduled to take place precisely one month following the previous Token Unlock, in which the project released 2.09 billion ARB, or 1.11 billion ARB, into the cryptocurrency market.

It is important to remember that Token Unlock made clear that the next program will be a "Cliff Unlock," which suggests that tokens won't be released until the "cliff," or the unlock date. the occasion on which projects, on the designated release day, release large quantities of tokens onto the market.

Similar to the approaching event, token unlocks typically affect the price of the specific token and have an economic effect on the cryptocurrency market. As a result of the exercise, there are more tokens available, which frequently prompts many traders to take short positions.

Following the most recent Token Unlock event, ARB's price fell by more than 25% over the course of four days.

As of this writing, the layer-2 scalability blockchain solution was trading for $1.23, having just experienced a decline. Members of the Arbitrum community are looking forward to the occasion, aware that the overall dynamics of the cryptocurrency market may affect the exercise's outcome. 

April 2024, Cryptoniteuae

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