13 Jun

Effective June 14, 2024, Travala.com will no longer support deposits and withdrawals of tokens on the BEP2 network (BNB Beacon Chain) due to its upcoming sunset.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Deposits on BEP2 after June 14th: Any tokens deposited on BEP2 after this date may be lost.
  • Existing BEP2 Tokens:  These can still be withdrawn, but on a supported network like BEP20.
  • BEP20 Network Still Supported: Deposits and withdrawals using the BEP20 (BNB Smart Chain) network continue as normal.

What to Do:

  • Check Your Account: If you have tokens deposited on BEP2, withdraw them before June 14th using a supported network.
  • Double-Check Addresses: Always verify your wallet address and chosen network before confirming any transaction. Don't rely on saved addresses.

For more information, please visit the Travala.com support center.

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