27 Jun

In a fervent appeal to the Pi Core Team, prominent Pi Network community member, M. Rad, has reiterated his request for the official launch of the Pi Network mainnet on June 28th, 2024. Notably, this is not the first time M. Rad has voiced this request, having made similar appeals in the past.

This latest call to action, however, includes a specific request for the Global Currency Value (GCV) of Pi to be set at $314,159 per Pi. This figure, while ambitious, reflects the high expectations and aspirations of many within the Pi Network community.

The Pi Network, a novel cryptocurrency project that allows users to mine Pi coins using their mobile phones, has garnered immense popularity since its inception. With millions of users worldwide, the project has generated significant anticipation for its mainnet launch, which would mark a crucial step in its development.

M. Rad's request has sparked renewed discussions within the community regarding the ideal launch date and the appropriate GCV for Pi. While some support M. Rad's proposal, others advocate for a more cautious approach, emphasizing the importance of ensuring the network's stability and security before a full-fledged launch.

The Pi Core Team has yet to respond to this latest request. However, the team has consistently reiterated its commitment to launching the mainnet when it is deemed fully ready and secure.

The Pi Network's journey towards mainnet launch is undoubtedly a pivotal moment for the project and its community. As the anticipation builds, it remains to be seen whether M. Rad's request will be heeded and what the ultimate outcome of this much-awaited launch will be.

June 2024, Cryptoniteuae

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